Oklahoma Modern
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We hope you enjoy our stories and photos about the modern architecture of Oklahoma.

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We hope you enjoy our stories and photos about the modern architecture of Oklahoma.

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Looking forward to Tulsa in 2008 for the Trust conference. Any chance you can put First Christian Church in OKC on our your list? That is if it still exists. My uncle (Fred Pojezny) was the architect for that building as well as a number of others that you may run across that are of modern vintage. I would love to see more of them documented here and discussed. Thanks for starting this great site!
Kirk Huffaker
Salt Lake City, Utah
I've been wanting to do a site like this for a long time but never have, so kudos to you for taking action. I hope to see a lot more photos from you!
And, Kirk, the First Christian Church is still in OKC. My grandfather, R. Duane Conner, and your uncle, Fred Pojezny, comprised the firm that designed the church and other area buildings.
There are a few buildings on the First Christian Church campus that are endangered, unfortunately. One is the Youth Center that your uncle designed in 1964, I think. Another is a church office building that is a great mid-century building -- your uncle may have designed that building, too, but I'm not sure.
The church recently sold several acres (where these buildings stand) for development, and I think that they are going to be history, unfortunately.
I've been doing a lot of research (newspaper archives, old magazine articles, historical societies, etc.) trying to find and photograph buildings that my grandfather designed and have found several that your uncle designed after their firm dissolved in the late '50s. If you don't have a list, I'll be happy to send you what I have, and I'd appreciate any information you may have, as well. You can contact me at the email address below.
Thanks again, Rex and Jackie, for putting together such a great site.
Lynne Rostochil
Oklahoma City, OK
[email protected]
Thanks for stopping by.
If you are interested in mid-century architecture in Oklahoma you should look in April's edition of Metropolitan Home. The home of Cara and Robert Barnes in Oklahoma City was featured. They have perfectly restored the home and are in contact with the architect who is in his 80s.
Also, you may enjoy visiting the archives of Oklahoma Today - there is an entire issue on "modern architecture" from 1958 - I am not sure how many of the buildings survive but there are some wonderful photos - here's the link
In case you haven't heard, there is going to be an exhibit of photographs at the OKC Museum of Art by legendary photographer, Julius Shulman, beginning April 30. During his long career, Shulman came to OK frequently to photograph some of our state's best and most innovative architecture, and the exhibit will be devoted exclusively to his Oklahoma photos. There will also be an architectural tour of buildings that Shulman photographed (May 2nd) and a panel discussion about modernism in OK on May 3rd. Go to okcmoa.com for more information.
Hope to see you there!
Thanks for this well executed site. The photography is outstanding!
I recently moved back to Tulsa after over 30 years away, and am interested in preserving our unique architectural treasures.
Rex, I grew up on N. Florence Place - right near the LUSTRON on N. Harvard. I attended Celia Clinton as a Kindergartener and 1st grader in 1965 and 1966. Any chance our paths crossed as children??
"I grew up on N. Florence Place - right near the LUSTRON on N. Harvard."
Wow. Yes, that's quite possible. My old stomping grounds were a little further west so I attended Springdale.
Did you see "A Single Man" with Colin Firth? I was wowed by the house in the film. I've since discovered that it exists in L.A., is by architect John Lautner and is for sale for $1.5 million. MCM fans should see the film. Enjoy this clip from a documentary of his work. The house is featured first in the clip. http://www.infinitespacethemovie.com/
I've read that he studied under Wright and knew of Goff's work, reportedly acusing Goff of "stretching material and structural innovations to inhuman lengths." Ironic, since he certainly seemed to do the same. That's about the only Oklahoma connection I can make with this comment.
Brenda Johnston
Oklahoma City
Congratulations Amanda!
There are a couple of resources I would suggest. If you have a photo you can share I'd suggest contacting Lynne Rostochil or the Tulsa Foundation for Architecture. Good luck!
Jeannine Falino
I thought you guys might be interested in a free architectural tour/lecture at the First Christian Church (at NW 36th and Walker) in OKC this Friday, Oct. 15th, at 7p.m. For more information, contact Okie Mod Squad's Matt Goad at 405 820 4523. Would love to see some of you Mod lovers there!