Living Art

Goff's Searing House on the Market

Ever wanted to own a home designed by Bruce Goff?

Here's your chance.

This modest abode is located in Prairie Village, Kansas (about 20 minutes from Kansas City). It was built for the Searing family in 1967, but not without a good deal of controversy. Apparently the plans were rejected by civic authorities and developers on three separate occasions. Undeterred, the family purchased property outright hoping to sidestep the issues. The uproar continued, ultimately resulting in the construction crew being arrested! 

Fortunately their tenacity paid off and the house was completed.

Today the term time capsule immediately comes to mind. That's mainly because the home has been in the same family since it was built. And judging from the photos, it appears to have been well maintained. 

As Goff designs go this home looks quite livable. The house features large windows and skylights, making the most of its 1500 square feet. Goff's fascination with accordion doors is evident inside. Using them as sliding partitions you can change the number of rooms to... um, three? One? Four? You decide! 

What a shock this must have been to Midwest Suburbia in 1967. The house is still turning heads today, and can be yours for $975,000.

View listing...

7821 Fontana St.
Prairie Village, KS


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